The Spring 2024 Newsletter is now on-line within the Members-Only area !
The Group's objective:
The mutual exchange of the genealogical information we hold in our pedigrees.
Website objectives:
Firstly, an Internet presence for John and Frances West. Secondly, to attract new members and thirdly as an information source and point of contact for existing members.
John & Frances West and their Charities:
John West was baptised at Twickenham on the 1st November 1641, and married Frances Mickell (nee Sakes) a widow, in the City of London in 1665/6, just after the Great Plague, which had taken her first husband. They lived at the Stocks Market in the City. They were childless, and by their wills of 1721 and 1723, and indentures in their lifetimes, charities were set up to provide pensions and scholarships for the blind and the poor, particularly their Poor Kin. Therefore, no-one descends directly from John or Frances West.
Group membership:
Membership of the Group is restricted to those who can show that they have a direct blood relationship to John or Frances West.
If after exploring this web site, you wish to become an associate member, then please enrol.
Pensions and Scholarships:
Christ's Hospital administer pensions and scholarships which are still available to consanguineous (having the same blood, same kin) under the wills of John and Frances West.
To register your name, and those of your ancestors in the Christ's Hospital Standard Pedigrees, please write to them direct.
The John & Frances West Family Group hold a number of published documents associated with John and Frances West and their families, copies of which may be available to members at a charge.
Copies of the relevant parts of the Standard Pedigree may be available, to members only, upon request.
So, if amongst your old papers you find a document with a curious list of names in an unusual style, such as...
"AB married CD and had issue EF who married GH and had issue....". Petition example Then read on - you could be a consanguine (blood relative) of John or Frances WEST!!
Please Note:
The Family Group do not carry out research on behalf of members. Readers must be able to submit a viable pedigree of their own consanguinity.
The John and Frances West Family Group publishes names and addresses of its members in our ‘Associate members and their outline pedigrees’ booklet and are kept on a computer database under the strict guidelines of the European Data Protection Legislation of 2018.
These details may only be used by members of the John and Frances West Family Group and for the sole purpose of contacting and exchanging information with other members of the John and Frances West Family Group.
It is expressly forbidden for this information to be passed to a third party. If any member, family member or corporate member of the John and Frances West Family Group is found to be doing so, action may be taken by the John and Frances West Family Group Executive against that individual or organisation.